Is another year of intense hurricanes and drought on the horizon?

Climatologists predict that we may see another year of this phenomenon,
which could bring drought and more intense hurricanes to the United States and
other parts of the world. Here’s what you need to know about La Niña and how
it could affect your community next year.

What is a La Nina

A La Nina is a weather pattern associated with
cooler-than-normal water temperatures in the Equatorial Pacific Ocean. This can
lead to increased hurricane activity in the Atlantic basin and increased drought conditions across the southern United States. A triple-dip La
Nina is a very rare event, and it’s one that we’re keeping a close eye on here
at ABC News.


If we’re due for another La Nina, will it be a triple dip?

We could be in for a wild ride regarding weather
patterns in the coming months and years. A triple dip La Nina is rare, but it could have major implications for the US. If this happens,
we could see an increase in hurricanes and drought conditions. This would be
devastating for many parts of the country, so we must be prepared. We’ll be
watching closely to see what happens next.


What can we expect with a triple dip La Nina?

A triple dip La Nina is when a La Nina forms, dissipates,
and then reforms again. This pattern is rare, but when it does happen, it can
bring some intense weather patterns to the US. This includes more hurricanes, tropical storms, and droughts in certain areas. So far this year,
we’ve already seen two named storms form in the Atlantic Ocean – something unusual for this time of year.


Will this year’s hurricane season be more intense than last

According to forecasters, this year’s hurricane season has
the potential to be more active than last year’s. This is partly due to a rare
weather phenomenon known as a triple-dip La Niña. A triple-dip La Niña occurs
when water temperatures in the equatorial Pacific Ocean dip below normal three
times over an 18-month period.

When a triple-dip La Niña sets in, there is a 60% chance
that we will see an active hurricane season with more frequent strong and long-lasting storms (Hurricane Harvey). Additionally, it could mean
more rainstorms across Texas and Southern California, leading to
increased flooding.


What about extreme drought conditions across the United

Farmers struggle to keep their crops alive, and
wildfires are raging out of control. Reservoirs are drying up, leaving many
communities without a reliable water source. This is the reality that many
Americans are facing as we enter what could be another year of intense
hurricanes and drought conditions, thanks to the rare ‘triple-dip’ La Niña.


How can you prepare for either scenario, whether it’s an
active hurricane season or more extreme droughts across the United States?

1. Keep an eye on the forecast and be prepared to evacuate
if a hurricane is headed your way.

2. Store non-perishable food items and water if you’re
stranded for a few days.

3. Charge your phone and have cash on hand in case of power
outages or road closures.

4. Have a plan for your pets if you need to evacuate

5. Stay informed and stay safe!

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