Top 5 Technology Podcasts for Higher Education Professionals

Podcasts offer great insight into the latest developments in higher
education technology. They give you access to speakers, presenters, and
experts who can help you navigate this maze of constantly changing
technologies. Check out these top 5 higher ed technology podcasts to listen to great discussions and learn more about educational

1) Academic Minute

Academic Minute features research and scholarship from
institutions worldwide in under three minutes. It’s a great way to stay
up-to-date on the latest discoveries while on the go. The Association of
College and Research Libraries (ACRL) website offers over 200 podcasts
featuring different libraries, librarians, scholars, and topics related to
academic libraries.

Podcasts such as Librarian Toolbox are all about information
literacy skills such as citation management, evaluating sources, research
ethics, etc.


2) Inside HxAcademy

HxA is a podcast by and for higher education professionals about using technology in higher education. In each episode, host Phil
Hill interviews a different higher-ed tech expert about a specific topic. This
podcast is great for anyone who wants to learn more about how technology is
being used in higher education and how it can be used to improve teaching and


3) Campus Technology

From conversations about the role of technology in higher
education to how to be a more effective IT leader, the Campus Technology
podcast covers a range of topics relevant to anyone working in higher
ed tech. This podcast is a great resource for stay-up-to-date on the latest
industry trends.


4) Educause podcast

The Educause podcast is a great resource for anyone in
higher education who wants to stay up-to-date on the latest technology trends.
Each episode features interviews with leaders in the field and covers topics
such as data security, IT infrastructure, and distance learning.

The Teaching in Higher Ed podcast (five sentences): The
Teaching in Higher Ed podcast is a great resource for educators who want to use
technology to improve their teaching.


5) IT Conversations

IT Conversations is a great podcast for anyone in the IT
field, especially those who work in higher education. The podcast features
interviews with experts in various IT-related fields and covers security, cloud computing, and data analytics topics.

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