What Will Our Schools Look Like in the Future? Superintendents Weigh In

Advancements already reshaping schools around the country. That’s the conclusion of
superintendents who shared their insights on how education will change over the
next 20 years at the eSchool Media Technology Summit in Las Vegas last week.
Here’s what they had to say

The classroom of tomorrow

Technology has drastically changed how we live and work, so it’s no surprise that it’s also changing how we learn. School leaders
are preparing for a future where students will use technology to customize
their learning experiences and solve real-world problems. While there’s no way
to know exactly what the future holds, these superintendents ensure
their schools are ready for whatever comes next.


Preparing students for future jobs

As technology continues to evolve, so too must our education
system. Many jobs that will exist in 10 or 20 years haven’t even been invented. So how can we prepare students for jobs that don’t exist? By teaching them
to be adaptable, resourceful, and problem-solvers. That way, they’ll be ready to take it on no matter what the future holds.


Optimizing resources

As we continue to face tight budgets, it is more important
than ever that we use our resources wisely. Technology can help us by
providing tools and processes that make us more efficient and effective. For
example, online learning can help reduce costs by eliminating the need for
physical classrooms and textbooks.



As we look to the future, we must consider how
technology will shape our learning experiences. According to a recent survey of
superintendents, technology will play a major role in driving future-ready
learning. Here are five key takeaways from the survey


Gamification and education

As game-based learning and gamification continue to grow in
popularity, it’s only natural to wonder how these trends will shape our schools
in the future. Some experts believe that gamification will play a big role in
education, with students earning rewards for completing tasks and reaching goals.
This could create a more engaging and interactive learning environment where
students are motivated to learn. However, some educators worry that
gamification may simply be a way to keep students entertained rather than truly
engage them in learning.

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